Save the changes to the master configuration to enable the start-up traces and restart the server. 保存对主配置的修改以启用启动跟踪,重新启动服务器。
Click Apply to save the configuration, then restart the Application Server for the changes to take effect. 点击Apply保存配置,然后重新启动ApplicationServer使更改生效。
For the process and database instance failures, you can enable automatic crash recovery by verifying that the database configuration auto restart is set to ON ( by default, auto restart is on). 对于流程和数据库实例故障,可以通过确认已将databaseconfigurationautorestart设置为ON(缺省情况下,自动重启已启用)来启用自动故障恢复功能。
To pick up all the configuration changes you made, you need to restart the server profiles 要使所做出的所有配置更改生效,需要重启服务器配置文件
After you have done this, save your configuration to the master configuration and restart the server. 在您完成这些之后,保存您的主要配置并重启服务器。
Note: This is very similar to the update of DB2 configuration parameters, where changes in some parameters take effect immediately, and some are deferred to the instance or database restart. 注意:这非常类似于DB2配置参数的更改,其中对某些参数的更改可以立即生效,有些则会等到实例或数据库重新启动之后才生效。
In a cluster configuration, restart the cluster. 在集群配置中,重新启动该集群。
The above database manager configuration changes require a restart of the instance in order to take effect. 上面的数据库管理器配置修改需要重新启动实例,以便修改生效。
After completing all the set-up described in the previous sections, be sure to save the configuration and restart the server for the configuration changes to take effect. 在完成以上部分中描述的所有设置之后,请确保保存配置并重新启动服务器,以使配置更改生效。
To put the new configuration into effect, restart the server. 为了使新的配置生效,需要重新启动服务器。
Since you made a configuration change, you have to restart the application to test. 因为更改了配置,所以需要重启应用程序进行测试。
If you were to add a link file and restart Eclipse using an existing workspace, the Configuration Changes dialog would be shown. 如果您要添加一个链接文件,并使用现有的工作区重新启动Eclipse,ConfigurationChanges对话框就会弹出。
Save the configuration and restart the server. 保存配置并重新启动服务器。
UnManagedNonPersistent: This configuration is the simplest to configure, but cannot be used in a clustered or z/ OS environment, and stored messages cannot survive an application server restart. UnManagedNonPersistent:此配置是最易配置的,但是不能用在集群或z/OS环境中,并且存储的消息在应用服务器重启时无法保留。
After modifying the queue daemon configuration file/ etc/ qconfig, stop and restart the queue daemon using the System Resource Controller commands 修改队列守护进程配置文件/etc/qconfig之后,使用SystemResourceController命令停止并重新启动队列守护进程
Ini configuration file, restart the Web server, and check that the extension is active with a quick call to phpinfo(). 在php.ini配置文件中启用这个扩展,重启Web服务器,然后调用phpinfo()快速检查该扩展是否已激活。
Since any change in the grid configuration file requires a grid restart, the technique described here provides a simple and straightforward way to manage a large grid containing hundreds of JVMs. 由于对网格配置文件进行任何修改都需要重启网格,因此本文描述的技巧提供了一种简单、直观的方法来管理包含数百个JVM的大型网格。
The configuration changes made to [ 2] will not take effect until your computer has been restarted. Would you like to restart now? 重新启动计算机后,对[2]所做的设置修改才能生效。是否立即重启动?
Configuration has been canceled. You will need to restart this application to properly configure your computer. 配置已经取消。您需要重新启动此应用程序以便正确配置您的计算机。
In which case, all of the resources used before the configuration change are still used and you've only avoided the restart of your activity. 在这种情况下,所有在配置改变之前使用的资源仍然会被使用,并且你只需要避免你的Activity被重启。
The configuration wizard must now restart the machine. 配置向导现在必须重新启动机器。